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 Chace Spencer's Relationships.

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3 participants
Chace Spencer
I'm just a human, victim of the insane.
Chace Spencer

Nombre de messages : 76
Age : 31
Localisation : Behind you.
Mood : It doesn't matter 'cause I'm packing plastic, and that's what makes my life so fantastic :)
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. 10827972hc2
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2008

Flower Power
Job: Student.

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 1:18

{ Love }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. Fruity_taste-12
« Maybe one day, I will muster every confidence that I have to tell you what I feel about you. Forgive me if I stutter from all of the clutter in my head. Do I seem familiar ? Probably. I've crossed you in hallways a thousand times. »

{ Ex - Girlfriends }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. Img-1427539xpmo
« It didn't last long but I remember everything. »

{ Best Friends }

{ Friends }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. 2706-04
« You're a parfect friend, I will never let you fall. . You were always there for me, I can never thank you enough. »

{ Family }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. Aodyld084copy
« You were the only one who was beside me when I needed someone and when I was afraid. I will never forget what you did for me. »

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Hayden-121
« I'm sorry to bother you but it's for your own good. I'm your big brother and I must protect you anyway. »

{ Half Brother & Sister }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. Patd-067
« Even if the the was the first feeling that we had approved, you should know that I appreciate you, even if you're an asshole sometimes. »

Chace Spencer's Relationships. 16-5
« I know that you're not my real sister but you should know that I consider you like my real family. Even if sometimes the events aren't good between me and Shane. »

{ Knowledges }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. Mtic8iq3
« I don't know you very much.. But I think you're a great person. »

{ Haters }
Chace Spencer's Relationships. 000564qxlq5
« I don't know if I really hate you but I like to make you angry. »

Dernière édition par Chace Spencer le Mar 26 Aoû - 2:12, édité 5 fois
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Beth Hudson
Petit esquimau.Be careful,it's sensitive (a)
Beth Hudson

Nombre de messages : 204
Age : 28
Localisation : Dans l'trou d'la vache,TamTam a dit xD
Mood : Happy Flower
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. Img-140646rre8k
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2008

Flower Power
Job: Glandouiller ^^

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 11:36

J'veux bien être une des tes ex ou connaissances,au choix ^^
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Chace Spencer
I'm just a human, victim of the insane.
Chace Spencer

Nombre de messages : 76
Age : 31
Localisation : Behind you.
Mood : It doesn't matter 'cause I'm packing plastic, and that's what makes my life so fantastic :)
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. 10827972hc2
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2008

Flower Power
Job: Student.

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 16:20

Ex, ca me va ^^
Je t'ajoute.
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Avril Lenz
Shut up ! I love you... <3
Avril Lenz

Nombre de messages : 66
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. Iconbethanyjooygale
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2008

Flower Power

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 17:41

Bah connaissance, en tant que coloc' !
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Chace Spencer
I'm just a human, victim of the insane.
Chace Spencer

Nombre de messages : 76
Age : 31
Localisation : Behind you.
Mood : It doesn't matter 'cause I'm packing plastic, and that's what makes my life so fantastic :)
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. 10827972hc2
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2008

Flower Power
Job: Student.

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 17:44

No problem,
je t'ajoute.
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Beth Hudson
Petit esquimau.Be careful,it's sensitive (a)
Beth Hudson

Nombre de messages : 204
Age : 28
Localisation : Dans l'trou d'la vache,TamTam a dit xD
Mood : Happy Flower
Picture Of Me : Chace Spencer's Relationships. Img-140646rre8k
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2008

Flower Power
Job: Glandouiller ^^

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 18:59

Okay,moi auss i^^
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Contenu sponsorisé

Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chace Spencer's Relationships.   Chace Spencer's Relationships. Empty

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Chace Spencer's Relationships.
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